Monday, January 16, 2012

Resolutions, y'all

Snaps for me! It's 16 days into the New Year and I have finally initiated one of my New Year's resolutions--to start a blog. (By the by, those of you who went to the gym on January 1st and are still going strong are liars.) This blog will most likely be a conglomeration of my random thoughts, fitness endeavors, craft projects and adventures in reading. And of course, the darling antics of my oversized rabbit, Hay Hay. Here she is working on her resolution to find treats and eat them, no matter the obstacle. May you also find your treats and eat them in 2012, friends.


  1. Way to go! I've always found you to be very uplifting and motivational, I look forward to your future posts. You are indeed adorabelle, but you know what else you are? Stellar Michelle Gellar. Womp womp!!

  2. More Hay Hay & Treats! MOOOOOOORE! (Oh, and you're cute too)
